If, you are running a travel agency or you are a tour operator then this website is very useful for you. With this website you can do a lot Like – Sell Holiday Package online , Track you tours inventory, Collect tours payment online & much more.
Travel Tour Website

Things We Require For This Website
Domain name # 1
A Powerful Hosting # 2
Travel Tour Theme # 3
Website Feature
Allow you to add more field into the booking form to gather more data.
After Customer finish the payment or after admin approve the booking, invoice can be also sent to the customer’s email as well
Now you can create custom package for each tour. For E.G. you can sell Budget, Standard and other types of tour in Single tour selection.
With the feature, you can let customer pay some part of the payment and pay the rest later.
you can now sell the tour as the whole group. For e.g, When you are selling tour as a whole bus or when providing transportation services.
Now you can provide group discount for your customer. For example, 4 – 5 people get 10% discount & 6 -10 people get 15% discount.
we provide a super powerful tour searching tool! Customer can search tours with vary of filters including category, tag, duration, date , price, rating, We also provide filter bar so, customer can easily sort by tour title, price, rating, popularity, duration.
There are two types of tours, One day and Multiple days. And each of them can be and One Time or Recurring method.
You can choose between fixed price or variable price. For fixed price will be a price per person. However variable price can set different price between adults, children, Students and infant’s. you can choose room base pricing for tour that its price rely on hotel room amount.
You will be able to set the coupon code, Coupon amount, Coupon expiration date, discount type as percentage or specific credit amount.